A large butterfly flew by as my wife and I were hiking recently in Bennett Springs State Park.  It landed on the purple bloom of a long-stemmed plant just off the trail. There were two other butterflies on the same plant.  We considered ourselves lucky to stumble on to such a beautiful sight and headed on down the trail. 

Just a few steps later we saw another butterfly laden plant and this time stopped to snap this picture. While stopped, we discovered there were layers of these purple blossomed plants stretching several yards up the wooded hillside. The whole area was in constant motion with hundreds of butterflies. It was like being in a butterfly house without any walls! Amazing!

We could have easily missed it, if we’d been unwilling to halt our hike and look around. And it was a reminder that at times we all can get so focused on where we’re headed or what’s right in front of us, that we can forget to see the bigger picture. 

How many times does that happen in our lives with God?

“Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine.” May these words of Clara Scott’s old hymn be our prayer, as we slow down enough, or even stop, to see the bigger picture that God has laid out for us. 

Your partner on the journey,

Pastor Steve